Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Garden Red Box Best Friends Music Fest

The Garden 隆重开幕之 Best Friends Music Fest, 23rd November at The Garden Mall. Nicholas Teo, Fish Leong, Micheal Wong & Zhang Zhi Chen are there for this new open Red Box. I've been there and so many people, very crowded. Before they start, they show us some music mv on the big screen. When Nicholas Teo's mv is on the screen, the nicholas fans will start shouting & start singing. Other singer also the same, their fans will shout and start singing, they are so crazy la!

The Gardens Red Box is located at the 4th floor, I went there and have a is so nice & big, i've took some picture, it is very new.

Red Box Karaoke

Fans of Guang Liang

(The MC) MY FM DJ - Nicholas Ong 翁书尉

The first who came out is Nicholas 张栋梁, he sang his latest new song "不甘示弱" & his old song "王子". His fans was shouting so loud. So sorry i never take any video of Nicholas. He sing the song "不甘示弱" very well, 很有感情...

Nicholas Teo, Fish Leong, Z-Chen, Guang Liang & the others
(i know its not that clear)

Nicholas Teo are singing

there's 2 Nicholas...Nicholas Teo is holding the flower
and Nicholas Ong is talking

Next is 张智成 Z-Chen, he sang "快乐" & 1 more dunno what is the title, sorry...hehe! His new album will release on next year, so who love Z-Chen must support his new album lo! I not really like his songs but i still support him.

Z-Chen & Nicholas Ong (blur blur)

Next is Fish 梁静茹, she's so pretty that day. She sang her new song "今天情人节" & her old song "会呼吸的痛", I love her voice very 温柔 & sweet.

Fish 梁静茹

Lastly is Micheal 光良, he sang his new latest song "右手边", very 感人oo!I lov guang liang's song very much, because all very slow & gan ren want.

Fish 静茹 & Micheal 光良

Micheal 光良